The Confounded Compound Sentence
Former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley In the opinion of this humble scribe, the most common writing error involves the compound sentence....
The Confounded Compound Sentence
Cop Blanche
The Bloviator — er, the Trump-eter in Chief
Singularly Simple
Technological Overload: Tell Avivah
Godly Warming
However: Alpha or Omega?
Fitness Trainer Unfit to Write
Media Full of Baloney on Saturated Fat
A word to the dumb
Done deal: Florida Republicans reject $78 billion for Medicaid
Florida Leaders Play Politics, Sacrifice People
Scott’s politicking fleeces Floridians
Chewing or Eschewing the Fat
Health and the media
Extremism in the pursuit of pragmatism is no vice.
The Scott scam
Estate Tax Tiff
Doing the Can Con
Feeling so gay in a melancholy way