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  • Writer's picturethebrinkof

Signing Signs

Attention authors! If you want the red carpet treatment for you and your book, you can’t do better than the North Palm Beach Public Library. This is a belated, brief account of my experience last Thursday at said library. Ambling up to the entrance, my attention was arrested by a big sign announcing my book signing. In the lobby, I was greeted by a poster with a photo, repeating the notice. Then, in the lecture room, another sign and three fliers describing my book, MURDER IN PALM BEACH: The Homicide That Never Died, and me — 6 feet, 170 pounds, thinning gray hair, last seen wearing tan shorts and a blue knit shirt, unarmed but dangerous for his Democratic ideas. Kidding, kidding — about the last part, I mean, not the signs. I spoke, and looked into the small but keenly interested audience. Afterward, I spent a half-hour answering myriad, probing questions. I had a ball, and sold a few copies.

Next up: The Delray Beach Public Library at 1 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 10. I’ll be one of 12 authors, so you can’t lose. It’s on Atlantic Avenue, just west of Swinton. Again, it’s FREE.

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